Children and Family Urban Movement


Mission: The mission of CFUM is to create a community that supports the potential of children, youth, and families through educational success, healthy living, and community engagement. When you grow-up feeling supported, understood, and encouraged, opportunity abounds! Children and Family Urban Movement believes in supporting the strong foundations of families in our community. By providing friendship, mentorship, healthy programming and before and after school support, our teams can deliver positive futures for all our children and families. The work of CFUM is truly a movement for change driven by the ideals of the worth and potential of each and of all, the abundance intended for all, the draw of justice within and beyond us, and the power in community.

Location: Des Moines (54.5 miles from Grinnell College)

Needs: Mentors, tutors, food service.  Volunteers from approximately 70 congregations and organizations in greater Des Moines take responsibility for providing, preparing, and serving the evening meals at the Supper Club five nights a week. In addition to those working to prepare the meals, it takes around six people to serve and clean up each evening.  Individual volunteers and groups from colleges and corporations around the area help to serve breakfast and participate in activities with kids during the Breakfast Club, After School Enrichment, Awesome Days and special events.  Individuals with special talents and interests frequently make presentations, give performances, and teach lessons within our afternoon and summer programs.  We welcome 60 students each day in our facilities. These programs couldn’t operate without the scores of volunteers. Discover more about our specific programs, when they occur and the volunteer description to see if you can enhance the value of our programming with your time, talents and interaction.



  • One-time events: yes
  • Ongoing: yes
  • Groups possible? yes

When is service needed:  Year-round.  We always love volunteers at our Breakfast Club, after school program, for full days during school breaks and at our summer enrichment programming. After School Enrichment Program Volunteer (Individuals) 2:40 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday throughout the school year.  After School Enrichment Reading Mentor.

Number of hours: Once a week or once a month, flexible hours, as much or little as is possible for the volunteer

Modality:  in-person only

Background check required: yes

Equipment or logistics supplied: We will supply all equipment, materials needed.


How to apply: Apply by emailing Jacob Nastruz, Coordinator for Volunteer Services & Community Outreach, at

Contact: Jacob Nastruz, Coordinator for Volunteer Services & Community Outreach, 515-282-3242,


Address: 1548 8th St Des Moines, IA 50314

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